In 2015 TechJutsu founder and CEO Tracey Nyholt noticed that several companies were offering one piece of the Identity and Access Management (IAM) puzzle, but no company that offered a complete solution from start to finish. Tracey noticed this gap and decided to create a company that could do it all from designing custom IAM solutions to providing training for the users within the system to maintaining IAM solutions. Since then, she’s built a company that offers best in class service for any IAM need.
Why are we called TechJutsu?

In addition to being an IAM expert, Tracey has spent the last 25 years studying martial arts. She explains:
“During my studies in Japan, I learned that “Jutsu” means skill in Japanese. So TechJutsu or “Technical Skill” seemed to fit both what we do and our personality.” - Founder and CEO Tracey Nyholt
Martial artists are always refining themselves to make their movements as simple and effective as possible. At TechJutsu, we apply the same continuous improvement principles to our IAM practice. We always ask our clients, sponsors, and vendors questions that match these principles:
How can we add more value?
Is there anything we can do to improve?
How can we make this better for you?
By acting on their answers, we ensure that we continuously improve and offer the most value and the best experience to all of our customers.
What is a Tech Ninja?
Ninjas move and act without being seen or noticed, and we aim to take that practice to our IAM solutions. Our goal is to provide customers with an IAM solution and seamless transition to cause as little disruption as possible in their workflow. The modern definition of 'Ninja' expands to include anyone who excels in a particular skill or activity, and at TechJutsu, we consider this in our hiring process. All of TechJutsu’s Ninjas have 10 plus years in the field of IAM, making us the best team for any job!